
Summer Camps in Switzerland

Gliding Education 一直鼓勵同學們能善用寒假和暑假的時間,換個方式和地點,多參加課外活動,將目光視野擴闊,了解課堂以外的知識與見聞。而參加海外舉辦的 Summer Camps 則是一個非常有意義和值得的選擇!結合來自世界各地的文化交流和參與多樣性活動,同學們將經歷一個真正獨一無二、難忘又寶貴的遊學體驗。 事實上,Summer Camps 在歐美國家一直廣受歡迎,更多的情況是因為每年參加的人數太多,太踴躍,而火速爆滿,所以舉辦學校多於半年前或更早就開始接受報名。如有興趣參加的您們,請密切留意,不要錯過! 

Gliding Education has always encouraged students to make good use of the winter and summer vacations, go exploring, participate in different extracurricular activities, broaden their horizons, and learn new things outside the classroom. Joining a summer oversea camp is definitely a very meaningful and worthwhile experience! Combining cultural exchanges and participation in diverse activities from around the world, students will experience a truly unique, memorable and valuable study tour experience. In fact, summer camps have always been very popular in European and American countries. More often than not, it is because the number of participants every year is too large, too enthusiastic, and they fill up quickly. Therefore, the host schools began to accept registration half a year ago or earlier. If you are interested in participating, please pay close attention and don't miss it!


It’s all about adventure!
Discover the alpine environment, make friends from around the world and participate in activities designed to bring a smile to your face. The Summer Camp is jam-packed with adventure and action and designed to give our campers a sense of independence in a caring and nurturing environment.


Teen campers live through all of their five senses. Enjoy the taste of a marshmallow roasted over the campfire, the smells of the fresh mountain air and the sound of laughter as campers share in a new adventure. An overnight camping trip, under a starry sky will be one of the camp highlights and a lasting memory for our senior campers.

Golf 高爾夫

Mountain Sports 山地運動


In General, the schedule of a week in the summer camp sets out as shown below: 

Weekday AM Classes

Language Classes

瑞士,一個擁有四種民族語言,被視為是外語教學的先行國家。 遊學期間,每日由以母語授課的教師提供高質量的輔導,同學們均能提高他們的英語、法語、德語和意大利語知識。



Switzerland, a country with four national languages, is considered a pioneer in foreign language education. Throughout the summer camp, students receive high-quality tutoring from native speaking teachers. Students get to improve their knowledge of English, French, German and Italian in every day's life. 

Some references of academic classes*:
English, German, German, math or science and more...

*This is only for reference! Schools have different arrangements by the age groups, and different schools have their own particular programs.

PM & Weekend Activities

Sports and Arts Activities




During the study tour, students participate in various sports, performance and arts activities; Qualified coaches guide them through new, challenging activities and help them develop new skills.

Some references of various exciting activities available in the summer camp*:
Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Paddle Boarding, Archery, Mountain Camping, Sailing, Football, Banana Boat, Dance, Art, Hiking, Karting, Ice Skating, Bowling, Camp Challenge, Swiss Discovery Tour and more... 

*This is only for reference! Schools have different activity arrangements by the age groups, and different schools have their own particular programs.

語言選項 Language Option


Summer camps usually offers a focused morning course of your choice that will allow your child to broaden their language skills.
What would be your choice of language class?

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